Flo-Joe for Cambridge English Exams

Cambridge English: Proficiency

Try Flo-Joe's latest CPE Writing task

Writing Task (go to Checklist)

Writing Paper Part 2. Task Type: Letter to an Editor

A health magazine that you subscribe to has recently published a number of different views from its readers on the topic of complementary (or 'alternative') medicine. Some of these viewpoints are summarised below. You decide to write to the magazine editor giving your own opinion:

"The current trend for alternative medicine is the worst kind of intellectual folly. Most evidence of its so-called results is based on anecdotes. Even worse, alternative practitioners are not even regulated in the way that the medical profession is".
"Complementary therapies like acupuncture or homeopathy can be a great way to treat conditions that conventional drugs do not always heal - like anxiety problems."
"People should choose whatever form of treatment - conventional or complementary - which makes them feel better. So what if we don't always have a scientific explanation about how alternative therapies work?"

Write your letter for the magazine editor, but do not use postal addresses. (around 280 - 320 words)

What you need to do to pass
Read our checklist first to understand what the examiner is looking for in a good answer.

Ideas for writing
Ask yourself the following questions to help you get started:

  • First, write a summary for each of the viewpoints above. For example:
    Point 1. There is no proof that complementary medicine works and there aren't enough safeguards in place.
    Point 2. Complementary medicine can be more effective than conventional medicine.
    Point 3. It doesn't matter if we don't understand how complementary medicine works as long as it does.
  • Decide what you think of each of the viewpoints above. For each one decide if you:
    - agree completely with the writer?
    - have some sympathy with their viewpoint but also disagree in some ways?
    - disagree completely?
    Once you have decided your point of view you need to list evidence to support your opinion.
  • In order to structure your answer you could start with the viewpoint that you disagree with the most and finish with the one(s) that you have most sympathy for.
  • In this type of task you are invited to respond to opinions expressed by other people. Try not to be too harsh when you challenge someone esle's viewpoint. The aim is to express your opinion without causing offence! Compare the following:
    "I thought your contributor talked utter rubbish when he said that..."
    "Although the writer has a point I cannot agree with the comment about...."

Drafting and proofreading your work

You should look at your first draft of the task and decide:

  • Have you answered the question?
  • Is the layout and organisation appropriate?
  • Is the language accurate with a good range of structures?
  • Is the style appropriate and consistent?
  • Will the editor and magazine readers be interested in what you have written?

If the answer is 'no' to any of these questions then you will need to do some more drafting!



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